Place orders by July 2, 2024 to receive discounted rates.
Before placing any orders, be sure to verify official vendors using the list below.
Exhibitors using an exhibitor appointed contractor (EAC) must complete this form prior to the show. All EACs must be aware and abide by all union rules and regulations.
Approved Vendors
General Service Contractor
(Furniture, cleaning, electric, labor, shipping, material handling)
Tricord Tradeshow Services
+1 (831) 883-8600
Use the Tricord Online Ordering System or use the forms below. An email will be sent to each exhibitor from Tricord with your login information.
Order Forms:
Include the Tricord Exhibitor Payment Form with ALL orders.
Badge Scanning-Lead Retrieval
+1 (714) 630-2945
Toll Free:+1 (800) 490-9941
Catering and Food Prep
Serra Ballroom Booths 100-623 contact:
Monterey Marriott
Kimberly Barrett
DeAnza Ballroom Booths 701-1103 contact:
Portola Hotel and Spa
Megan Strandburg
+1 (831) 649-7847
Sampling Information
Contact your assigned booth catering rep. directly for ordering and sample preparations.
Hotel Reservations
+1 (866) 774-0457
Internet / WiFi
Encore Global
Dominic Giuriato
+1 (831) 646-3756
Liability Insurance
Rainprotection Insurance
+1 (800) 528-7975
Request to Serve Alcohol
International Fresh Produce Association
+1 (302) 781-5857
Nancy Pickersgill
Hire a bartender and alcohol supplies from Catering contacts above.
Produce Supplier
River Fresh Farms
+1 (831) 998-7072

Kyle McMillan
Director, Trade Shows
International Fresh Produce Association

Nancy Pickersgill
Trade Show Coordinator
International Fresh Produce Association