Before you pack your bags, here's a rundown of things you need to know to get the most out of your show experience.
Badge Registration
Booth Setup & Vendor Contact Information
Marshalling Yard
Getting Perishable Product to Your Booth
Rules and Regulations
Getting the Most out of the Show
Best of Show Contest
Booth Dismantle
Food Bank & Booth Donations
Badge Registration
Redeem Credits and Register Badges BEFORE you arrive onsite:
The online registration system will stay open through the close of the show. We’ll have multiple badge pick-up locations onsite, but badges must be registered on an electronic device prior to arriving at the desk.
- If you requested your booth worker badges be mailed, they were shipped via FedEx Ground on September 24. Make sure you have it with you —replacements cost $100.
- All other registrants should have received an email with a barcode for onsite pickup. Need us to send the email again? Email our Reg team.
- Printed badges may NOT be returned/exchanged for credits.
- Exhibitors may still take advantage of the $450 All Access Pass Upgrade for booth personnel badges by using the online system to purchase the upgrade.
- Each exhibitor receives (2) Welcome Reception tickets. Your Primary booth contact was emailed a barcode to print welcome reception tickets onsite (anyone can use these tickets).
- Names on mailed badges may only be changed once. Badges printed on-site may not be changed.
Onsite Pickup:
- Georgia World Congress Center - Reg Hall B and Lobby C
- Tuesday, October 15, 7am-5pm - Exhibitor Registration Only)
- Wednesday, October 16 - Saturday, October 19, 7am-5pm
- Atlanta Marriott Marquis
- Wednesday, October 16, 12pm-5pm
- Thursday, October 17, 8:30am-5pm
- Friday, October 18, 7:30am-1pm
- Hilton Atlanta
- Wednesday, October 16, 11am-5:30pm
- Thursday, October 17, 8am-4:30pm
- Friday, October 18, 7am-1:30pm
Need Show Floor Access before Registration Opens?
Contractors and exhibitors can pick up wristbands for floor access at the Exhibitor Appointed Contractor Desk located in B1 Airfreight Plaza, B1 lobby, or C lobby. (have ID or business cards with you)
All EACs (Exhibitor Appointed Contractor) must be registered to access the show floor. Each EAC (Exhibitor Appointed Contractor) employee must visit an EAC desk and present the EAC's unique code (provided via email) to receive a wristband. Wristbands must be picked up individually.
Booth Setup & Vendor Contact Information:
Only Booth Workers and registered EACs are permitted to access the floor during setup/tear-down hours. Trade Show Only Passes will not be allowed in until official expo hours.
- Booth setup is Sunday, Oct. 13 until Thursday, Oct. 17.
- Once your materials are offloaded during your assigned target move-in time and placed in your booth, you can begin setting up. Those in LIFO booths cannot start setup until 1pm Thursday, they can stay late for set-up.
- Booths 400 sq. ft. or larger must be finished with major exhibit construction by Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. when the Clean Floor Policy* goes into effect. Product merchandising and minor booth construction may continue through Thursday.
- All booths 300 sq. ft or smaller may continue to set up through Thursday, October 17, with major construction completed by 2:00 p.m. so we can begin clearing aisles.
- Exhibitors who have not started setting up by 2:00 p.m. Thursday will be considered a no-show. If you will be arriving/setting up late, please notify Show Management.
For assistance with rigging, carpet, cleaning services, furniture, labor, material handling, freight and perishable product delivery updates, look for a GES representative on the floor, TEXT +1 (770) 758-6160 or CALL +1 (562) 356-3777.
Levy: Catering | +1(404)223-4500 |
Expo Badge: Lead Retrieval / Badge Scanner | +1(404)222-5300 |
Freeman: Audio Visual | +1(407)832-5911 |
Edlen: Electric / Plumbing / Air | +1(404)223-8400 |
CCLD IT Service: Internet / Phone | +1(404)222-5500 |
f-stop Photography | +1(504)957-2450 |
Lowe Refrigeration | +1(770)461-9001 |
Prosponsive Logistics: Perishable Shipping | +1(678)395-2320 |
Plant and Floral: Floral Expositions | +1(407)961-6531 |
GlobalTranz: International Shipping / Brokerage | +1(678)656-9647 |
DTA Security Services (in Room C1) | +1(404)222-5303 |
Marshalling Yard:
All materials, even those arriving in a personally owned vehicle, must check in at the Marshalling Yard before being dispatched to the convention center. All carriers must have certified weight tickets. Please give a copy of this Marshalling Yard Information to your carrier.
Marshalling Yard Address
362 Ivan Allen Jr. Blvd. NW
Atlanta, GA 30313
United States of America
Marshalling Yard Hours
For move-in, carriers must check-in by 2:00 pm for same day unloading.
For move-out, carriers must check in at the assigned date/time and the BOL must be submitted with freight packed and ready to load.
October 13 - 18 from 6:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
October 19 from 6:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (for move-in)
October 19 from 2:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
October 20 - 21 from 6:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
October 22 from 6:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Parking: The Georgia World Congress Center Authority operates three surface lots and two parking decks. Visit the GWCCA Parking website for more details
Getting Perishable Product to Your Booth:
GES will send the primary and secondary booth contacts an email notifying you that your perishable product shipment arrived in the marshalling yard. If you want to add someone to that notification, submit this form.
To have product delivered to your booth daily, make sure to use the appropriate color-coded daily label. Deliveries will occur on Thursday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., and Friday & Saturday, between 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. Be sure to have staff in your booth before 8:00 a.m. to tag any product you do not wish to keep (removal starts at 8:00 a.m.).
If you are sending perishable products that should not be refrigerated, use the Do Not Refrigerate label to avoid any onsite confusion (especially for floral).
Learn more about perishable shipping and delivery.
Rules and Regulations:
Make sure to review all of our Expo Rules and Regulations
- To maintain a clear line of sight to all booths, the front half of inline booths may not exceed 4 feet high.
- Exhibitors may not solicit business sample product outside their rented booth space unless an agreement has been made through sponsorship opportunities.
- Children under 18 years of age are not permitted on the show floor during set-up or dismantling. However, complimentary badges are available for children under 18 years during show hours. The child must be present when the badge is issued.
- Strollers and wagons are not permitted on the show floor.
- Attendees may only leave with 1 bag of exhibitor product per day. Please save the rest for donations and do not give materials away until 5pm.
Georgia is a "right-to-work" state, which means exhibitors are permitted to setup their booths. Review the work rules.
Getting the Most out of the Show:
Check out the full schedule for networking events and education sessions.
- Our Food Safety & Tech X-Change, located in the Innovation Hub, will feature a variety of hot-topic sessions and peer-to-peer discussions, including a 3:00 p.m. Fireside Chat exploring the cutting-edge innovations shaping the produce industry.
- On Friday at 3:30 p.m., swing by the Innovation Hub’s lounge for an AgTech Celebration! Then, head upstairs to the Community Receptions, where anyone with a badge is encouraged to network and connect.
- Don’t wait until you’re onsite to start networking!
- Download the attendee list to invite buyers to your booth
- Download our mobile app and use your email address to create a My Show Planner account so you can chat with other attendees
- Remember ONLY buyers will have a color on their badge. This will make it easy for you to identify the buyers you are looking for.
- View the press and media kit for tips.
- Take part in conversations on and off the show floor by using #GPFS2024 in your social posts.
Best of Show Contest:
This year's Contest is sponsored by The Produce News. All exhibitors are automatically entered in the contest and winners receive industry recognition along with a variety of valuable prizes. Review the Best of Show judging criteria and tips from the judges to ensure you are prepared to win.
Categories are:
- Best of Show In-line Booth awarded in each of the four segment.
- Best of Show Island Booth awarded in each of the four segments.
- Best of Show First-Time Exhibitor
- Fresh Ideas Showcase participants will be awarded for:
- Best Product Promo
- Best Sustainable Packaging (must enter to win)
Booth Dismantle:
Tear down begins at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday.
Early tear down is NOT permitted, and penalties will apply to exhibitors that tear down early.
Please save as much product for the food bank as possible, and do not start giving materials to attendees until 5:00 p.m.
- GES will start delivering crates based on the Target Move-Out Schedule Carriers must be checked in and exhibitors must submit their BOL (Bill of Lading) by the target move-out date/time.
- Booths in the Last In First Out (LIFO) area of the show floor need to be cleared out as soon as the show closes for the truck lane to reopen. Carriers for these sections should be checked in for pick-ups by 7:30 p.m.
- EAC’s may not check enter the show floor until 6:00 p.m.
- It could take hours to receive your empty crates, so we invite you to relax, recharge and get status updates in the Exhibitor Lounge upstairs in the B/C Connector from 5:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Food and happy hour beverages will be available.
- Need to catch a flight right away? Schedule GES to tear down your booth after the show closes.
- Review these Move Out Tips to save time and money.
Review the Exhibitor Setup & Tear-Down Schedule to ensure a smooth move-out process.
Help IFPA Create a More Vibrant Future for All
We want to donate as much as possible from the show floor to communities in need. Use the pink food bank labels for anything you are not shipping home, including furniture, vinyl banners, appliances, water bottles, produce and floral product. Product left in refrigerated storage after noon on Saturday will be donated. Food Bank labels are available from your floor manager or at the GES vendor desk in the B/C connector.
2025 Booth Selection Process:
- The 2025 booth application will open on February 11, 2025.
- 2024 exhibitors must apply by February 26 to be included in the early assignment process.
- Applicants will have until April 9 to increase, downsize, or cancel the booth. No refunds will be granted after April 9.
- Payment is due in full by April 9, prior to your booth assignment. We will not assign booths without the full payment.
- All paid applicants will be assigned in priority point order from April 16 through mid-May via Zoom. Appointment times will be emailed on March 18.
- Non-returning exhibitors, and anyone who paid/applied after the deadlines will be assigned in order of payment once early assignments are completed.

Kyle McMillan
Director, Trade Shows
International Fresh Produce Association

Nancy Pickersgill
Trade Show Coordinator
International Fresh Produce Association