- Sales:
Total dollar, unit, volume or eaches sales of a product or group of products. - Base Sales:
Base Sales measures estimate sales that would have occurred in stores with a specific merchandising condition if no promotion had been present - Incremental Sales:
These measures estimate sales attributable to merchandising (features, displays, price reductions and/or special packs). - Opportunity Dollars:
This measure estimates the additional Dollar sales that a product would have if it had 100% distribution. - ROM Sales:
These measures are estimates of Sales that took place in the remainder of a retailer’s Single Outlet or Multioutlet CRMA once the RMA sales have been subtracted - Sales Share of Product Level:
These measures report a product’s total sales expressed as a percentage of the total sales of a higher level in the product hierarchy. If an orthogonal dimension is selected, both the product sales and the category (or other level) will be filtered by that dimension. - Sales Share of Level, Unfiltered:
These measures report a product’s total sales expressed as a percentage of the category’s (or other product level’s) total sales. If an orthogonal dimension is selected, the product sales will be filtered by that dimension, the category sales will not be filtered. - ACV Share of Parent:
These measures report a geography’s ACV expressed as a percentage of the ACV of the geography’s parent. Parent is defined as the geography one level up in the geography hierarchy. - Sales Share of Geography Parent:
These measures report a product’s total sales in a geography expressed as a percentage of the product’s total sales in its parent geography. Parent is defined as the geography one level up in the geography hierarchy. - Geography Parent:
These measures report the within outlet parent or multi-outlet parent for a selected geography. - Fair Share Gap:
These measures report the difference of a product’s share of its parent geography’s sales, relative to that geography’s share of the parent All Commodity Volume. - Fair Share Opportunity Dollars:
These measures report potential dollar sales that could be gained in the geography if the product were to achieve its Fair Share of the geography parent, based on that geography’s share of parent All Commodity Volume. - ACV Weighted Distribution:
This measure reports a product’s distribution or distribution on promotion weighted by the store size (ACV). - Average Weekly ACV Distribution:
This measure is an average of the ACV Weighted Distributions across all weeks in a time period in which the product was distributed. - Total Points of Distribution:
This measure reports the distribution of a product aggregate while taking into account the number of UPCs selling within that aggregate. - Average Weekly Total Points of Distribution:
This measure is an average of the single weekly Total Points of Distributions across all weeks in a time period in which the product was distributed. - Average Items per Store Selling:
This measure estimates the average number of different UPCs of a selected product selling in the stores carrying the product aggregate. - Average Weekly Items per Store Selling:
This measure estimates the average weekly number of different UPCs of a selected product available in each store carrying the product aggregate. - Weeks in Distribution:
This measures the number of weeks in which a product was in distribution, regardless of how high distribution was. - Weighted Weeks:
These measures report the reach and frequency of promotions. They report the number of weeks with a given merchandising condition weighted by the ACV of the stores participating in the promotion. - Total Points Cumulative Weeks:
This measure reports the distribution of a product aggregate while taking into account the number of UPCs selling within that aggregate and the number of weeks of distribution - % of Stores:
This measure reports a product’s distribution or distribution on promotion. These measures do not weight distribution by the size of the store. - Number of Stores:
This measure is a universe store count in the selected geography. It is taken directly from the projection files and is updated weekly - Number of Stores Selling:
This measure is a universe store count of measures selling a selected product in the selected geography during the selected time period. It is based on data from the projection files and is updated weekly. - ACV ($MM):
ACV, or All Commodity Volume, represents the total annual dollar sales of the selected geography in million dollars ($MM). The total dollar sales that go into ACV include the entire store inventory, rather than sales for a specific category of products. - Price:
These measures report the average product unit or volume price. - Weighted Average Base Price:
Weighted Average Base Price represents the (Unit or Volume) price that would be expected for a product or group of products in the absence of retailer promotions. - Weighted Average % Price Reduction:
These measures report the average price reduction from base price under different merchandising conditions. They are weighted by Unit Sales all stores that had the merchandising condition present, regardless of whether there was a 5% Price Reduction. - Category Price Index:
This measure reports the price of a product as a proportion of the average price of its category. - Parent Price Index:
This measure reports the price of a product as a proportion of the average price of its parent in the product hierarchy. - Geography Price Gap:
This measure reports the difference between the price of a product in a geography and the price in the parent geography. - % Sales by Merch:
These measures report a product’s sales sold in stores with a particular causal condition expressed as a percentage of Total Sales. - % Base Sales by Merch:
These measures report a product’s Base Sales in promoting stores expressed as a percentage of the product’s total Base Sales. - Base Sales % of Total Sales:
These measures report a product’s Base Sales on a particular causal condition expressed as a percentage of the product’s Total Sales . - % Incremental Sales by Merch:
These measures report a product’s Incremental Sales on a particular causal condition expressed as a percentage of the product’s total Incremental Sales. - Incremental Sales % of Total Sales:
These measures report a product’s Incremental Sales on a particular causal condition expressed as a percentage of the product’s Total Sales. - % Increase by Merch:
These measures express the percentage by which sales increase in a week during which a specified merchandising condition occurs. - Promotion Opportunity Dollars:
This measure is an estimate of additional sales if the product were on promotion in all of the ACV where it is scanning. - Trade Efficiency:
These measures report Incremental Sales with a particular promotion as a percentage of sales with that promotion. - Sales per Point of Distribution:
These measures report total product sales during the selected time period, per percentage point of the ACV of the geography. - Sales per $MM ACV:
These measures report the total product sales during the selected time period per million dollars of annual ACV of stores selling the product. Sales per $MM ACV represents the sales efficiency for a product in relation to its distribution. By using the ACV of the stores selling the product, these measures control for store size. - Average Weekly Sales per $MM ACV:
These measures report the average weekly sales per million dollar annual ACV, weighted by the product’s average weekly distribution. - Sales per $MM ACV per Item:
These measures report each item’s sales during the selected time period, per million dollars of ACV selling the product in the geography. - Base Sales per $MM ACV:
Total Base Sales during the selected time period per million dollars of annual ACV of stores selling the product. - Average Weekly Base Sales per $MM ACV:
These measures report the average weekly sales per million dollar annual ACV, weighted by the product’s average weekly distribution. - Average Weekly Incremental Sales per $MM ACV:
These measures report the average weekly Incremental sales per million dollar annual ACV, weighted by the product’s average weekly distribution. - Sales per Store Selling:
These measures are calculated as Sales (unit, volume, or dollars) divided by the projected number of stores selling at least one unit of the product during the period(s). - Average Weekly Sales per Store Selling:
These measures are calculated as Sales per Store Selling, averaged over the weeks with distribution. - Product Development Index:
This measure estimates the strength of a product’s sales in a given market relative to total US sales. - Category Development Index:
This measure estimates the strength of a category’s sales in a given market relative to the category sales in the Total US. - Households:
The number of households within a specified geography. - US Census Population:
The number of people within a specified geography. - Sales Productivity Index to Category:
This measure compares a product’s Share of Category Sales compared to its Total Points of Distribution Share of Category. - Sales Productivity Index to Sub-Category:
This measure compares a product’s Share of SubCategory Sales compared to its Total Points of Distribution Share of Sub-Category. - Weighted Average Nutrition Value:
These measures report the average value of the selected nutrition attribute per serving sold. These measures are weight averaged based on servings sold. Items with higher sales will influence the average nutrition value reported for the measure - Servings Sold:
This measure reports the total Servings Sold of a product. - Change in Base Dollars Due To:
These measures provide general estimates as to potential drivers of year over year change in Base Dollar Sales. These measures decompose change in Base Dollars that are due to Total Points of Distribution, due to Weighted Average Base Price per Volume and due to Remainder Velocity, which is an estimate of all other factors, including velocity, that may account for change in Base Dollar Sales year over year.