When thinking about dry sanitation for the food industry, we often think about practices that are related to food facilities producing low moisture foods (e.g., baked goods, nuts). The use of water in fruit and vegetable postharvest handling provides benefits, but also comes with the added cost and logistics of managing postharvest water quality and the greater risk for pathogens. Dry cleaning and sanitation practices remove water from this equation and can be a valuable option for any food producer. Join us for this Virtual Town Hall to learn from other sectors of the food industry, and how current research is shaping how these practices might be adapted to the produce industry.
Moderator: Gretchen Wall, M.S., Director of Food Safety & Quality, IFPA
- Karl Thorson, Global Food Safety & Sanitation Manager, General Mills
- Prof. Nitin Nitin, Professor of Food Science and Technology, University of California - Davis