The produce industry often looks to the Center for Produce Safety for the latest in applied research, and rightfully so. But there's actually a lot of produce safety research going on. During this Virtual Town Hall, we'll give a recap of CPS highlights, a preview of what we're looking forward to learning more about at the International Association for Food Protection and Institute of Food Technologists annual meetings, and dive into other resources the produce industry should explore when looking to update practices based on science and research. The panel will feature representatives from USDA and other public-private partnerships to give attendees a view of the breadth of research available.
- Dr. Jennifer McEntire, Chief Food Safety and Regulatory Officer, IFPA
- Dr. Yaguang (Sunny) Luo, Senior Scientist, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS)
- Dr. Laura Strawn, Associate Professor and Extension Specialist of Produce Safety, Virginia Tech University
- Gretchen Wall, M.S., Director of Food Safety and Quality, IFPA
- Dr. Jodi Williams, National Program Leader - Food Safety, U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture